Our Vision

We, the Church of St. Anthony of Padua, desire and strive to "Reconcile ~ Make Disciples ~ Live the Mission" within our parish, in accordance with the vision of our particular (local) Church (see the Diocese of Rapid City) and the universal (catholic) Church (see The Holy See), so that all may (eventually) see The Vision of the Church: The Beatific Vision (see 1 Cor 13:12; 1 Jn 3:2).

To Reconcile -- Reconciliation

Inspired by the Holy Spirit, St. Paul, in his second letter to the Corinthians, states that the Church is given "the ministry of reconciliation" and entrusted with "the message of reconciliation" (see 2 Cor 5:18-19). As defined by the Online Etymology Dictionary, reconciliation (from the Latin reconcilare) means "to bring together again" (see "reconciliation" at EtymOnline.com). This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ: to bring (back in harmony) together again that which is estranged: humans back in harmony with their true selves, humans back in harmony with their neighbors (sisters and brothers in humanity), and humans back in harmony with God. This is the foundational work of the Gospel and finds its sacramental expression in the Sacrament of Penance/Reconciliation. To reconcile, therefore, produces reconciliation with the person themself, with the human community, and with the Communion of God.

To Make Disciples -- Forming Disciples

Inspired by the Holy Spirit, St. Matthew, in accordance with the Gospel, records the commissioning of the disciples of Jesus Christ to "go, therefore, and make disciples" (see Matt 28:19). As defined in the Catechism of the Catholic Church [CCC], disciples are "those who accept Jesus' message to follow him," but furthermore, "Jesus associate[s] [them] with his own life, reveal[s] the mystery of the Kingdom to [them] and [gives] them a share in his mission, his joy, and his sufferings" (see CCC, glossary definition of "disciple"). Therefore, a disciple is "co-missioned" to share in the mission of Jesus Christ, to bring all of humanity into association with His Divine Life in the Kingdom, sharing in his joy and his sufferings. To make disciples, therefore, entails forming disciples into a deep maturity in Christian living and Christ, who still experiences joy and sufferings in His Body, the Church (see Acts 9:4-5; 22:7-8), as she continues her mission.

To Live the Mission -- Funding the Mission

Vivified by the Holy Spirit, the Church continues to live the mission of her Lord, Jesus Christ, always in need of the Gift of the Holy Spirit to sustain her spiritual life, but also always in need of the gift of a generous spirituality of her members to sustain the material means of her same mission. To live the mission, therefore, entails funding the mission in accord with each member's ability to do so (see CCC 2043). More than merely a financial funding, this generous spirituality, part of the "Catholic Way of Life" -- Christian Stewardship -- in the life of the Church, ensures that what is needed materially for mission is provided for by the sacrificial giving of God's varied and graced gifts received by her members (see 1 Pt 4:10), always vivified by the Gift given to her by her Lord.